Charity Partnership
“Better, healthier outcomes for newborns and their families challenged by prematurity and sickness.”

At Country Charm Event Hire we take charity support seriously and believe everybody - whether single or married, studying or retired, big business or small business – has a social responsibility to support and give back to the community around them, as well as support the crucial efforts of not-for-profit organisations.
Charity support is vitally important to help raise awareness and funds for the causes you care about. Country Charm Event Hire is proud to have partnered with Miracle Babies Foundation - Australia’s leading organisation supporting premature and sick newborns, their families and the hospitals that care for them.
From 1st August 2018, we will be donating $5 from every hire booking over $400.00 incl. GST to Miracle Babies Foundation. Miracle Babies have advised it costs just $67 each year, to provide full support to one family going through a traumatic experience with their newborn. While it’s our wish that no family had to go through the challenges of prematurity or sickness, if our donations can assist in providing the right comfort and support to help those families get through this emotional journey, then we will do everything we can to help make a difference in as many family’s lives as possible.
Click here to make your own donation to Miracle Babies Foundation.

About Miracle Babies Foundation
Miracle Babies Foundation is Australia’s leading organisation supporting premature and sick newborns, their families and the hospitals that care for them.
Every year in Australia around 48,000 newborn babies require the help of a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or Special Care Nursery (SCN). 27,000 of these babies are born premature and up to 1,000 babies lose their fight for life.
For families, the experience of having a baby come into the world not as expected or planned is life changing. Without support, this overwhelming and traumatic experience can have lifelong effects on the emotional wellbeing of these miracle families. It affects the entire family unit.
Since 2005, Miracle Babies Foundation has been passionate in developing and providing vital programs and resources to support and enhance a family’s experience from a threatened pregnancy, hospital journey with a premature or sick newborn, the transition to home and beyond.
Australia is home to 23 state of the art intensive care units designed to meet the unique and critical needs of our earliest and sickest babies. Working with health professionals on the joint agenda of better outcomes for families, Miracle Babies provides informative education and insight on a family’s experience and funding for equipment, resources and research.